Monday, November 9, 2009

Deodorants and Antiperspirants

People might read this blog title and wonder what I am talking about . People wake up in the mornig and brush their teeth and other things in order to prepare themselves for the day. Most people get out the shower and put on deodorants and things such as smell goods and everything. But what most people just ignore is that these things are very harmful to the human body. SO BEWARE of these products if you dare or you can just ignore what nit is i'm saying. Gucci,Polo,Calvin Klien whatever it is that you wear or put on is harmful to your body. This is just a caution blog. Americans spend almost a billion dollars a year to hide the funk othere bodily odors. This comes from the junk food and other things that people eat that come through the bodies pores because the body is trying to rid of these such things thus coming out smelling bad aka odor, or musty. Also goes for women, if you have a smell down there then this could be the reason. The stench of the dead food we consume such as burgers,steak,ect gives people bad breath, these odors come from the skin,mouth, rectum, and armpits and vagina for females. We truly are what we eat. And people do not like to smell bad at all it is the most embrassing thing known to people so what do they try and do daily? Cover up that bad smell that haunts them. The way these products work is for example is the skin gives off odor so when the product is applied to the skin it irritates the skin thus giving an inflammortorty reaction to the cells around the sweat duct while it opens then shrinks which reduces the amount of sweat that gets to the surface. And th harmful chemicals that are in these products. For example I'll take some of these chemicals and tell you what it does to the body. Proplyene Glycol is used for engine degreaser and it has no reason to be inside the human body and whatever enters the human body also enters the bloodstream. Aluminum chemical attacts the brain and is the chemical that causes Alhiemzers disease. Tricolsan is a toxic that irritates the skin and makes it redden or rot or fade away. For females and wearing or bra straps and things mixed with these chemicals in your body causes breast cancer, Have you ever heard of man with breast cancer? If you have it was rare. There are other products that NATURALLY take care of the body without any harmful chemicals into it so be wise. And if you dont know something research it it can save a life!

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