Monday, November 9, 2009

Paranormal Activity (Did it live up to the hype?)

I am the type of person who usese technology to my advantage, in saying that I downloaded the much anticipated movie Paranormal Activity. I have heard from many friends for about a week before I actually watched the film that I wasnt going to be able to sleep after seeing this film. In hearing something to that extent about a movie, it became a "a must see" for me. I had one female friend I dont know if this is just for her to have an excuse to come to her house or whatever, but she called me for 3 days strate (this is before i seen the movie) but she was calling me telling me how scared she was of whatever the monser was in the movie. In all i was just thinking what is it that has everyone talking about this movie like it is the scarriest thing that I havent seen in a long time. I love horror movies due to the fact they are highly predictable but I love the killing and darkness brought to some films in which i often find comedy. And may i be the first to say that Paranormal Activity was no different at all. I'm glad i didnt actually find a female to take to the theater to see this becuase if she were to hop all on my side of the chair screaming i wouldve told her to stop faking. The movie is shot as the same way that The Blair Witch film was recorded. The movie has good build up but at the same time is very predictable. Hollywood does get a little credit for the editing of this filmm to make it seem real as possible but in all actuality the actors in the film are not the actual victims. Now maybe if i wqs watching a un edited tape and seen these things happening then maybe I would have thought twice about evening saying im scared, but in reality I was just like I couldve made this movie, they were using simple editing tactics to spook the audience but they sure didnt fool me. The main reason for people being scared is becuase there is a demon or devilish presence throughout the whole movie stalking the girlfriend of the funny guy using the camera, yeah he kept me laughing throughout the movie until the part where he really gets shook at night when the demon is at his strongest. The people who are afraid of this film are the same people who believe in demons, and exorcisms and things of that nature. But fo me i personally dont believe in the man-made religion that thos world has been following since the beginning of time, I believe that the devil and other demonic creatures are only in the mind,therefore this film was like watching Friday all over again becuase I almost got that much laughter out of it again while people are pissing their beds because now they think that a demon are going to come get them. Come on now people, what have you done for the devil to single you out. Even if this movie is based upon real events then until i see the actuall evindence tape im not buying the hollywood production. And one more thing I have to get off my chest is after watching this whole movie through the jumps,and doors moving, the steps of the beast and all that I missed the best part of the movie becuase the damn camera was upstairs, at least they could of have the only killing actually happening go down on camera but I didnt even get that it kind of pissed me off more, and then shes sitting there for days and the cops come and she thinks the cops are her fiance she just killed (but i dont know because i didnt see it) and the cops shoot her and thats all i get. In my box office resuls this movies gets the dont go see download it category. Dont waste your money, I think Childs Play was scarrier then that movie. But thats just my opinion.

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